The Merchant of Venice

Vanishing Point Artistic Director Matthew Lenton directs Shakespeare’s controversial drama in a new production for the National Theatre of Kosovo. The production, in Albanian, will explore the creeping tide of prejudice and intolerance in a world where religious difference is the source of increasing suspicion and division. With typical visual flair and imagination, the production continues Vanishing Point’s spirit of international collaboration and inter-linguistic creation with one of Europe’s youngest countries and most ambitious emerging National Theatres.


The Merchant of Venice
by William Shakespeare

Produced and presented by the National Theatre of Kosovo 

Directed by Matthew Lenton
Creative Associate Kushtrim Koliqi
Design by Gibby Dzidrov
Costume Design by Yllka Brada 
Music by Tromor Dhomi
Dramaturge Besim Rexhaj

Photography Avni Selmani

Performance history

October 2016 - March 2017
The National Theatre of Kosovo, Prishtina

 Production Gallery