Stars Beneath the Sea
An underwater odyssey of unfathomable depth. With fish.
Stars Beneath The Sea is a show about being underwater. It tells the story of the brave and brilliant pioneers of deep sea diving, and one man in particular, who pushed his life and sometimes the lives of others, to the limit.
It is a show about depth, beauty and determination and incredibly stupid ideas, about the lonely impulse of delight that led people on hilarious journeys towards ingenious invention as well as tragic failure.
Stars Beneath The Sea takes audiences to a place they never expected to go, but will never want to leave. Combining physical performance, animation, original music and projection.
“Vanishing Point have established a reputation for exemplary stagecraft. Part of the magic is in the puppeteering…a lot of it is in the wit and attention to detail…but what elevates this production above other small scale theatre is the way it hints at things way beyond its own limits.”
“Director Matthew Lenton takes on all comers in his ability to generate visual devices that carry both narrative and metaphorical weight.”
“Stars Beneath the Sea is a fairy tale about exploration… with an admirable lightness of touch it suggests our constant need to extend the boundaries of our knowledge and what we can do. And I like that.”
“Seriously good theatre for all the family”
“It is a brave and ambitious production that makes good use of various theatre tools - music, film projection and puppetry. The story of inventor Hans Haldane and his attempt to reach a wreck off the coast of a small Greek island with the help of local song-divers, is well told with fine performances, particularly from Sandy Grierson (Haldane) and the mesmerising Itxaso Moreno.”
Created by Vanishing Point
Inspired by the book by Trevor Norton
Directed and designed by Kai Fischer and Matthew Lenton
Lighting Design by Kai Fischer
Music by John Anderson
Assistant Director Andrew Panton
Sandy Grierson Hans Haldane
Sean Hay George Philipousis / Franco
Skye Loneragan Greta / Mr Onassis / Maria
Itxaso Moreno Paola
Revival for Edinburgh Fringe Festival performed by Sandy Grierson, Sean Hey, Itxaso Moreno.
Technical Stage Manager Sergey Jakovsky
Stage Manager Paul Murphy
Props Kati Clark
Puppets made by Shane Connolly
Blacksmith Simon Cook
Performance history
28 May - 28 June, 2003
Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh
24 May, 2003
Cumbernauld Theatre
23 May, 2003
The Lemon Tree, Aberdeen
20 - 21 May, 2003
Leeds Metropolitan University, Studio Theatre
17 May, 2003
macrobert, Stirling
15 May, 2003
Junction, Cambridge Drama Centre
07 - 10 May, 2003
Tramway, Glasgow